June 2018 - Ceddy's Random

Ceddy's Random - Vlogs

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

How to set up your own blog site at a cheaper cost 

Creating a blog site for aspiring bloggers can be a bit complicated, but a little research and DIY can be helpful :) That's why I'm here to help you out :)

Cheaper yet reliable - Domain Registration

How to create a perfect website at a cheaper cost?
A lot of domain hosting services offer packages at affordable plans. 
On which you have the option to pay either monthly or annually.

No need to think about anything tech-related to create your own blog site.
It's just as easy as 1,2,3. Among the hosting providers are WordPress and Wix.

You get what you pay for. That's it.

Unfortunately, for those first-timers whose budget is beyond the hosting plan offers.
You might think twice about investing in something that there is no assurance whether you will get the ROI (return on investment) at the earliest. 

Here we go! 

Without further ado, I am going to share some of my DIY to make a perfect blog site at a cheaper cost.


 I am going to share some advice and tips about choosing your domain at a cheaper cost, and setting up and starting your new blog site.

There are three ingredients that we need to use for a perfect Blog site:



Gooyabi SEO Template

I use Blogspot as my blog publishing platform and I am using GoDaddy as my domain hosting provider.

For the theme, there are preloaded themes from Blogspot but I opted to download an SEO-ready theme from Gooyabi Templates. Lots of options for you to choose from and it's Blogspot ready and of course it is free!.

Why purchase a domain?

The reason I am pushing you to create your own blog with a hosted domain?
It looks more reliable, you get the reader's trust secure, and it looks more professional than using your blog publishing platform domain such as mywebsite.blogspot.com 

The benefit of using a third-party domain, is you are eligible for the Adsense Monetization Program as this is their main criterion for them to approve your Blog site for monetization.

And of course, you need to create more articles at least 20 posts, and decent traffic.

Technical Side- Easy, Worry Free

There's a bit technical when you're going to link your host account to blog-spot. Just go to your GoDaddy account, prepare your PIN, and call their customer service. That's it!

You don't need to worry about it as configuring GoDaddy to your Blogspot account is very easy. 
Upon purchasing a domain, There will be an instruction for you to set it up once you create an account with GoDaddy, If you're still confused, their 24x7 customer service will be helping you out throughout the setup.

I can't share my screenshot for my own settings as these are unique codes that kept to be private.
However, GoDaddy will provide it for you.

How much is the total cost?

Total Cost?

Web Domain 

So how much was my total cost for my website?

$200? Nope.

$250? Nah...

$150? hell no!

It's only $ 1!

Yes! It is!

But why?

Here's the catch.

GoDaddy offers a promotion for a year if you want to sign up with them. 
Just pay $1 and that's it! You're good to go.


After a year, you decide if you want to continue with their service.
As for me, I still renewed my hosting service as it is better than other domain providers that I tried before. *Satisfied customer here ;) 

And guess what? I got my ROI instantly!  ;) 

Once you're done with the configuration of your GoDaddy Account.
You need to link your third-party domain address to Blogspot.

Step by step : 

Check the screenshot below:

After linking. Click the save button. Wait for a few minutes, refresh your browser, and voila!
You have your trusted and more professional domain- A blog site.

Themes, Themes, Themes!

As I have mentioned before, There are ready-made themes.
Unfortunately, the theme provided is very limited so I opted to download an SEO Template from Gooya. 

Once you download your desired theme.

Go to the theme section of your Blogspot account

And choose to Restore on the top corner

Click the Choose file and hit Upload

Wait for a few minutes. Open another tab and enter your blog site. That's it :)
You have a fresh new site with a new look :)

That's it for now :)

For any questions or comments. Please let me know :)
Don't forget to subscribe to my Email List and share this post :)

See you next time!


Monday, June 4, 2018

Retail Associate

These are the common questions people ask me if they know that I am working in the Retail Industry.

''You work in retail? Wow!''

''Do you have a staff discount? Can you give me?''

For some, it's awkward, for me, it's normal. It's my perk anyway.

Sounds good to hear, is it?

I have worked in the retail industry for 4 years - that's the summary of all the work experience that I incurred.

Fortunately, I was accepted easily by my current company. 
There are pros and cons if you work in the Retail.

Let's check first on the pros.

  • Perks!

Lucky you, If you are working in a giant retail company tendency is, you will be receiving some of the following:
  • discount program such as staff discounts up to 50% (my company offers 50% discount during retail employee day and up to 30 percent discount regularly),
  • employee rewards like participating in different events and activities or being commended and appreciated for working with the company
  • financial benefits for employees as mandated by the labor law such as paid vacation leave, air ticket allowance (if you work abroad), Emergency leave- not paid, and Sick leave is available as well.
  • getting a tip from the customer (if the company allows you to accept)
  • Rest day during your birthday
  • Compensatory Off ( Offset during holidays)
  • Paid Overtime

How about the cons?

check this out:

  • Customers

As a retail associate, we are interacting in an environment with a different race and populace. We can't deny the fact that sometimes we are being treated differently. Some customers are racist, some are nice, and some could understand if you explain the return policy, for example. Another customer will treat you as their personal assistant, if they are not satisfied, they will complain to the manager or else write an email to the company itself.

As a retail associate, Our goal is to make our customers happy and satisfied. But other customers are taking it to the next level. Despite the quote '' Customer is always right". We cannot do anything about it unless the customer acts violently.

Retail Company nowadays are protecting their credibility. So to avoid these things. They are pro-consumer, without consumers buying the product, there is no income at all.

  • Rest Days

If you work in retail, don't expect to get a rest day during the holidays. Holidays are the hotspots for retailers as consumers tend to visit the malls and splurge for shopping. Other retail shops offer sales during holidays as well so expect the crowd during these days.
For a retail associate, we call it block days- days that we can't go on vacation.

Peak season starts from November until January. So we can't request a vacation on these months unless there's an allotted manpower.

Working overtime? Of course! It's extra pay for you, however, despite overwork, you feel tired the entire day and you can't even manage to do things that you want to do.

  • Workload

If you work in children's clothing for example. A lot of merchandise items need to be prepared and displayed. So if you haven't tried working in this type of industry, you might tend to quit easily. Customers are happy and love to shop, so we need to make sure that everything is well set and shoppable. However, despite these good results of hard work, we can't avoid the fact that the workload is very high.

Despite these Cons. It's a fulfillment for me to work in the Retail Industry.
It boosts the level of my self-confidence.  I don't talk a lot to anyone, However when I started working in this field. It changed everything.

Meeting different people, Working with the team,  interacting with the customer, and helping them mean a lot to me.

By the end of the day. You and your team will be productive, you made someone happy because you helped them.
You contributed to the growth of the company and the company gives you in return.

Fulfilling, isn't it?

So for those people who want to work in retail.
Do some research, especially for those first-timers who want to work.

Thank you for reading my blog and see you next time.
